Saturday, April 17, 2010


the kingdom of the golden hammer- steel mammoth
nuclear ritual- steel mammoth
nuclear barbarians- steel mammoth
the sufferer and the witness- rise against
falling down a mountain- the tindersticks

haven, hauer, relativistic jets and when to decide it's all over.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


six organs of of the flower
aanal beehemoth..forest paranoid
pentacle......ride the moonstorm
clutch..blast tyrant
mr bungle..disco volante

lack of time dilation of observed quasars. up in the air

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ooland Fisks saturdaynight 5

SAXON the eagle has landed part 2
RISE AGAINST siren song of the counter culture
MOTORSPANDEX torment star
STEEL MAMMOTH nuclear ritual
SUNNO))) black one

train specific, hard and often.