Monday, December 31, 2012

fisks 10 of 12

KING DUDE. burning daylight
JAYE MAYNE. chop trees over everything
POWER FROM HELL.  lust and violence
INQUISITION. into the infernal regions of the ancient cult
INQUISITION. ominous doctrines of the perpetual mystical macrocosm
NAAM. the ballad of the starchild
POS. we don't live here
DOWN. the purple ep
CONTAGIUM. archaic

Happiness found, debts paid, progress on wheels. Hail 12.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


lily allen. alright, still
inquisition. into the infernal regions of the ancient cult
inquisition. ominous doctrines of the perpetual mystical macrocosom
nevermore. dead heart in a dead world
zoldier noiz. schizoid reject

a speck in a spectrum